Pyrethrum 5EC
Pyrethrum 5EC is an emulsifiable concentrate prepared from pyrethrum – nature’s own rapid-acting insecticide. Pyrethrum 5 EC controls a host of pests including beetles, aphids, blackfly, greenfly, caterpillars and white fly on organic flowers, fruit, and vegetables.
For use outdoors, in greenhouses and on pot plants throughout the season. Pyrethrum 5 EC is a natural insecticide that is now registered and is suitable for use in Organic and non-organic farming, it kills insect pests quickly without leaving any toxic residuals. Approval by PSD and the Soil Association’s approval of Pyrethrins now means that Pyrethrum 5EC is available for immediate control of Aphids, Blackfly, Greenfly, Whitefly, Thrips, Springtails, Caterpillars, Moths, red spider mite, Beetles and many other pest insects.
Pyrethrum 5EC has a wide range of contact action (non-systemic) against the majority of insect pests. Because of its very short persistence and low toxicity crops can be harvested 24 hours after application. Pyrethrum 5 EC Bootle Sizes Available: 250ml. PYRETHRUM 5EC IS APPROVED FOR ALL CROPS.
Benefits of Pyrethrum 5EC
- Controls pest such as Spidermite, Thrips, Aphids
- Safe and easy to use
- Safe for use on food crops
- Naturally derived insecticide
- Leaves no toxic residue
- Kills almost all garden pests
- Can be used in any grow-system with any substrate
- Edible crops can be harvested after only 24 hours