HR-50 Humidfier



HR-50 Humidfier

As plants transpire, they lose water through their stomata (small openings on leaf surfaces). If the moisture levels in the surrounding atmosphere are too low, then the volume of water released by plants through their stomata will be higher, which can have very negative impact (wilting, and poor health). Boosting the level of moisture in the atmosphere, when necessary, will have a huge impact on plant growth and vitality.

The HR-50 is a fully automated solution that takes water from a separate source and distributes it into the air as and when required, based on readings taken by its sensing equipment.

  • Improves plant growth and development
  • Can be connected to any water butt
  • For rooms up to 150m2
  • 2.5l – 4l per hour capacity
  • For use with soft, purified or RO water ( not to be used with hard water )
  • Can be used with the analogue or digital humidistat