
Future Harvest Bud Boom



Future Harvest Bud Boom

Future Harvest Bud Boom is a specialized floral hardener and finisher, crafted to ripen fruits and unlock the deep, inherent tastes and aromas within a plant’s genetics. Its formulation ensures significant weight gain, increased flower density, and notably enhanced flavour in fruiting crops.

Give yours crops that all important final boost!

Containing essential elements like sulphur and magnesium, Bud Boom accelerates the ripening process, ensuring visible results swiftly. Offering a final boost, it maximizes yield and flavour enhancement, making it an indispensable addition to the end of a crop’s cycle.

Key Features of Bud Boom

  • Uniform crop ripening thanks to increased magnesium and sulphur levels
  • Consistent, visible results and happier harvests
  • pH control assistance, simplifying nutrient management
  • Compatibility with any feed schedule, enhancing flexibility in nutrient planning
  • Flavour enhancement in fruiting crops, ensuring premium quality produce

How To Use

  • Mix: Use 0.3g per 1 Litre (Quart), 3g per 10 litres (2.5 gal), or 1 tsp per 5 gal of nutrient solution.
  • Frequency: Apply every feeding during the last 3 weeks of an 8-week harvest cycle.
  • For use during weeks 4 and 5 of flowering. For use in soil, coco & hydroponics

500g, 1 kg, 2.5kg